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Discover Essentrics with Betty in Scarsdale, NY (III)

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The word is getting out and we are close to starting a regular class in Scarsdale! Please join me for the next demo/workshop and spread the message to your friends/family.  

Friday, September 21
10:30am - 12pm
Scarsdale Community Baptist Church
51 Popham Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583

Cost: $36 online, $45 at the door

This event is a great chance to learn about the head-to-toe rebalancing workout that restores our every muscle to its ideal length for optimal movement. It also conditions our joints, bones, and fascia so we can reach our best strength, mobility and flexibility. At every demo/workshop I provide an overview about Essentrics but I also touch on a new aspect each time because the method has so much depth and breadth! During the workshop we will do a one-hour workout after the introduction, followed by a quick Q&A.

This class is open level - we will modify the movements to suit your body as long as you have your doctor's clearance to exercise. There will be some standing work as well as floor toning work. Please bring a mat and a large towel (for neck cushioning if needed) but no shoes/socks are necessary. The facility is air-conditioned and ample parking is available at the church. Simply park close to the portico, through which you will enter to arrive at the event. Full details are also on my website here

I appreciate your support and hope to see you and your friends at the event and in future classes!

Warm regards,